Number of hours
- Lectures -
- Projects -
- Tutorials 2.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests 2.0
ECTS 0.0
The S10 project is a team project that takes place almost full-time at the beginning of the 10th semester. Teams are made up of 2 to 4 students. Each team works on a project proposed by a customer (a school teacher, a non-profit organization, or a company). The topic is generally exploratory. Each team is autonomous in its organization. Technological choices are made by the team in consultation with the customer. The team meets regularly with the sponsor to present their choices and report on progress and challenges faced. The project involves two presentations and the creation of a poster in English.
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - INFO - Semester 10
Course ID : KAINXM02
Course language(s):
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