International students

International students

If you wish to come to Polytech Grenoble - INP, UGA for an engineer degree without any University agreement program, please check the document for regular international admissions :

Exchange students

Polytech Grenoble - INP, UGA, welcomes you to the challenge of studying abroad.
Before applying, please check if your home University has a partnership with Polytech Grenoble. You can look at our partner universities map or directly contact your local International Relations office.

How to Apply ?

- Step 1 : Check our study program and find the courses you want.
(We strongly recommend that all the courses shall be chosen in the same year of study of the same department).
  • Geotechnics and Civil Eng (GGC)
  • Computer Sciences (INFO)
  • Material Sciences (MAT)
  • Industrial Risk Management (GeRi)
  • Electronics and Embedded Systems (IESE)
  • Information Technologies for Health (TIS)
- Step 2 : You need to be officially nominated thru an online process by your University (please see with the international affairs at your university for an official nomination online atthe Grenoble INP portal). Once nominated you will receive a personnal access to the student exchange application portal in order to fill the procedure.
- Nomination and application deadline : 31st May

(please note that due to our academic calendar and internship periods from mid April,  we cannot accept students for an exchange only for the 2nd semester

- Step 3 : You will be informed by e-mail about the status of your application.

Please note that all courses will be in French.
If you need to practice, some French courses are available with the CUEF
Other useful information you may need:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.


Service Relations Internationales :

Responsable du service :
Bureau : 227 - Tél :

Responsable du développement des relations entreprises à l'international :
Fabrice DUBOST
Bureau 200b - Tél :

Gestionnaire :
Bureau : 229 - Tél :