Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 18.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests 2.0
ECTS 0.4
Objectives: awareness of software design (architecture) and validation (tests)
Targeted skills :
- represent a coherent software architecture (in a given formalism)
- know, know how to use (justifying) architectural styles
- awareness of the validation of an architecture with respect to requirements
- put the test back into a development cycle in relation to the requirements
- know and know basic techniques of test construction (structural and functional)
It is composed of two parts concerning both architectural design and validation by test.
- introduction
- representation
- design
- validation
- fault/error/failure
- test data and oracle
- "black-box" testing methods
- "white-box" testing methods
- tools for testing
Good level in algorithmics and programming. First experiences in development projects.
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - INFO - Semester 9
Course ID : KAIN9M03
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
- "Introduction to Software Testing" - Paul Ammann, Jeff Offutt
- "Software Architecture in Practice" - Len Bass, Paul Clements and Rick Kazman
- "Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns" - Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert and Peter Sommerlad