Number of hours
- Lectures 16.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 10.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests 2.0
ECTS 0.2
- Illustrate different aspects of the processing routes of metallic materials: solidification, heat tretament.
- Show how the processing routes can affect the microstructures relying on Thermodynamics and kinetics concepts.
1. Diffusion in binary systems
1.1 Driving force - macroscopic description of diffusion (Fick's Law)
1.2 Microscopic description of diffusion - Kinetics - Diffusion coefficients
2 Solidification
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Nucleation - Growth
2.3 Solute distribution
2.4 Liquid/Solid interfaces : planar vs. cellular vs. dendritic
2.5 Cellular and Dendritic microstructures
2.6 Eutectic solidification
2.7 Peritectic solidification
3 Solid State phase Transformations
3.1 Driving Force - interfaces
3.2 Nucleation/Growth phase transformation
3.3 Continuous precipitation (precipitation hardening, e.g. Al-alloys)
3.4 Eutectoid transformation
3.5 Displacive Transformation : Martensitic Transformation
3.6 Bainitic Transformation
3.7 CCT and TTT Diagrams / Heat Treatment
- KAMA5M05: Introduction to Materials Sceince
- KAMA5M12: Cristallography
- KAMA5M13: Thermodynamics
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - MAT - Semester 6
Course ID : KAMA6M13
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[TAS 93] C. Tassin, H. Bono, M. Pons, M. Durand-Charre, "Refusion superficielle de stellite F par irradiation laser ? influence du procédé sur la microstructure", 4e Congrès de Génie des Procédés, Grenoble (1993)