Number of hours
- Lectures 6.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 0.0
GPI 2 - Team-based IT project management
This course is concentrated on a full-time week of lectures and practical work on a mini-project.
It is a preparation for the Team Development Project (PLE) which takes place over the following 3 weeks.
We examine the various facets of the computer engineer's job within a team: the technical and human aspects of project management.
Technical side
- using Git in a team: best practices and identifying roles
- Git internal principle and advanced commands
- dividing up a project via interfaces
- test-driven development
- experimentation on a mini-project (12h: event graphics engine)
Human side: Emmanuel DUFOUR (external consultant)
- managing a team of developers
- time management
- conflict management
Lessons from the INFO3 year
QUITUS: 100% attendance
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - INFO - Semester 6
Additional Information
Course ID : KAIN6M13
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
- référence Git
- référence moteur graphique événementiel
Analyse transactionnelle & Psychodynamique du travail
- L'analyse transactionnelle pour les groupes et les organisations, Eric Berne, IFAT NORPPA (2020)
- Travail, usure mentale : essai de psychopathologie du travail, Christophe Dejours, Bayard (2015)
- Manuel d’analyse transactionnelle, Stewart & Joines, Interéditions (2005)