Number of hours
- Lectures 12.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 4.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests 2.0
ECTS 0.3
- browse the different families of tests in situ
- detail the main tests of recognitions, understand their limits (measurements and interpretation)
This course is partly given in Project Based Learning, shared with the geophysical prospecting and geology courses
1- course presentation
2- spot tests in situ
2.1- summary description of the geotechnical missions
2.2- definition of a geotechnical field model
2.3- monitoring, control, supervision of works
3- recognitions
geophysics (summary presentation, this course being developed in a specific course)
4- visual recognitions
4.1- reminder on soil descriptions
4.2- geomorphological survey of the land (landscape reading, outcrop survey)
4.3- destructive drillings
4.4- semi-destructive drillings
4.5- core drilling
4.6- camera in drilling
4.7- recommendations
5- mechanical tests
5.1- Pressuremeter test (Menard test)
5.2- Penetration tests (dynamic penetrometer, static CPT)
5.3- SPT Survey
5.4- Scissometer
5.5- Phicometer
5.6- Tests with dilatometer
5.7- Tests on nails
6- Water tests / piezometers
6.1- Piezometer (provisional, final), pumping well, Piezair
6.2- Concept of permeability
6.3- Permeability of surface soils outside the aquifer
6.4- Nasberg test
6.5- Lefranc trial
6.6- Pumping test
6.7- Lugeon test
6.8- other water tests
7- Control tests,
7.1- Tests on anchorages
7.2- Displacement on dams (single pendulum, inverted pendulum)
7.3- Tassometer
7.4- Profilometer
7.5- inclinometer
7.6- Interstitial pressure cells
7.7- Test with a flat jack
7.8- Dynamometric cords
7.9- Extensometer
7.10- Platform tests for lift control, compaction, density, permeability
7.11- Tests on piles
7.12- control on ballasted columns
7.13- GSM transmission via internet
8- Conclusions
session of
- geology : soil and rock recognition
- construction techniques, geophysics and hydrogeology
- soil mechanics
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - GGC - Semester 6
Course ID : KAGG6M07
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
- Normes, Eurocodes (en particulier 7
- Reconnaissance des essais in situ, I. Shahrour et R. Gourves, ed Lavoisier 2005
- Fondations et ouvrages en terre, G. Philipponnat et B. Hubert, ed Eyrolles
- Forages, sondages et essais in situ geotechniques, Philippe REIFFSTECK, Daniel LOSSY et Jean BENOIT aux editions Presses des Ponts