Number of hours
- Lectures 30.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 6.0
- Written tests 2.0
ECTS 0.4
Evaluating the level of risk triggereg by ground movements ans snow avalanches ; proposing mitigation methods.
-Hazard identification and characterization
-Risk analysis
-Risk mitigation (monitoring and protection)
-Design of protection barriers
Applied geology, slope stability, rock engineering
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - GGC - Semester 9
Course ID : KAGG9M08
Course language(s):
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-Besson L. (2005) Les risques naturels : de la connaissance pratique à la gestion administrative.
-Effendiantz, L., Guillemin, P., Rochet, L., Pauly, J-C., Payany, M. (2004) Les études spécifiques d'aléa lié aux éboulements rocheux, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris.
-Groupe Falaises (2001) Prévention des mouvements de versants et des instabilités de falaises - Confrontation des méthodes d'étude des éboulements rocheux dans l'arc alpin. Programme Interreg 2C.
-Fell, R., Corominas, J., Bonnard, C., Cascini, L., Leroi, E., and Savage, W.Z. (2008) Guidelilnes for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning; Engineering Geology, vol. 102, p. 85-98.