Number of hours
- Lectures -
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 24.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 0.4
Use of ANSYS Workbench software for stationary solid mechanical simulation.
The course on the Finite Element Method (FEM) begins with an introduction to the method, covering its fundamental principles and engineering applications. Students will learn to formulate and solve problems using the finite element method.
Subsequently, a project using ANSYS Workbench is introduced, where students are tasked with simulating and optimizing a steady-state solid mechanical component. The project includes defining the geometric model, meshing, applying boundary conditions, analyzing results, and performing structural optimization to enhance the performance of the component.
PrerequisitesStrength of materials courses
Continuum mechanics courses
Written project report (100%).
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - MAT - Semester 8
Course ID : KAMA8M07
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
A. GIET et L. GEMINARD : Résistance des Matériaux , Tomes 1 et 2, Collection Technologie et Université, Dunod.,
C. MASSONET et S. CESCOTTO : Mécanique des Matériaux , Collection Bibliothèque des Universités, De Boeck-Wesmael.
I.H. Shames et C.L. Dym : Energy and Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics ,
Taylor and Francis. S. Timoshenko et J.N. Goodier : Theory of Elasticity,
McGraw Hill. SFM (Société Française des Mécaniciens) : Guide de Validation des Progiciels , AFNOR