English - KATPXM06

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 24.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 1.0


Develop speaking and writing skills in a professional context specifically applied to the medical field.


1. Corporate Social Responsibility and decision-making
1.1 Be able to take part in a professional meeting
1.2 Be able to take part in a decision-making meeting
1.3 Develop awareness of topics in the field of CSR
1.4 Develop awareness of ethical question in pharmaceuticals
1.5 Take part in a decision-making simulation in the field of pharmaceuticals

2. Describing and promoting a product
2.1 Be able to describe and promote a medical product
2.2 Develop awareness of possible defects in medical implants and the stakes involved
2.3 Take part in a simulation on the theme of medical implants

3. Negotiations
3.1 Be able to use precise structures used in a negotiation
3.2 Be able to use negotiation techniques
3.3 Take part in a complex negotiation simulation


B2 Level
4th year course


CC (100%


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - TIS - Semester 10

Additional Information

Course ID : KATPXM06
Course language(s): FR

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