Engineering geology - KAGG8M11

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 16.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 8.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 4.0
    • Written tests 2.0


    ECTS 0.4


At the end of this course, students must master the main methods of analysing the mechanical behaviour of rock masses, in their natural state or in the context of development work (natural ground movements, tectonic deformations, underground structures, surface excavations, foundations). They must be able to assess the stability of the excavations and predict their deformation.


1. Natural stresses, deformation and rupture in the earth crust
1.1. Natural stresses in the earth crust
1.2. Modelling gravitational stresses
1.3. Modelling tectonic stresses
1.4. Residual stresses
2. Stability of fractured rock masses
2.1. Limit equilibrium methods (block theory, stability analysis for sliding and toppling)
2.2. Discrete element methods
3. Excavations in a continuous rock mass
3.1. Boreholes and galleries
3.2. Surface excavations, elastic rebound
4. In situ measurements in rock masses
4.1. Deformability and strength
4.2. Stress variations
4.3. State of stress


Basics of rock mechanics




The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - GGC - Semester 8

Additional Information

Course ID : KAGG8M11
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


CFMR (Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches). Manuel de mécanique des roches, tome 2 : Applications. 460 pages, Les Presses de l'Ecole des Mines, Paris, 2004.
FRANKLIN J.A. et DUSSEAULT M.B. Rock Engineering, 600 pages, McGraw-Hill, 1989.
GOODMAN R.E. Introduction to Rock Mechanics, 562 pages, Wiley, 1989.
HOEK E. et BRAY Rock Slope Engineering.
HOEK E. et BROWN, E.T. Underground Excavations in Rock, 527 pages, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Londres, 1980.

A télécharger gratuitement
Recommandation AFTES (Association Française des Travaux en Souterrain). Caractérisation des massifs rocheux utile à l'étude et à la réalisation des ouvrages souterrains.
HOEK E. Practical Rock Engineering.