Number of hours
- Lectures 9.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 10.5
- Written tests 3.0
ECTS 0.35
Mastery of the C language, especially for "low level" programming (close to the system and the hardware).
- Survey of basic notions (conditional and iterative statements, I/O, functions, arrays).
- Types in C (arithmetic, characters, strings) and their encoding.
- Arrays and pointers (memory management, parameter passing, arithmetic on addresses,...).
- More on strings.
- Modular programming and compiling, Makefile; creation of libraries.
- Bitwise operators.
- Structures and linked lists (creation, destruction, management).
Beginner level in C (basic syntax, conditional and iterative instructions, conversational inputs / outputs, functions, tables).
30% CC
70% EXAM
- in person
- written test on paper
- 1h30
- adaptation to disability: extended test time
- authorized documents: a handwritten double-sided A4 sheet
- electronic devices: not permitted
If a UE is not validated, the jury may authorize the student engineer to take additional tests to validate it.
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - INFO - Semester 5
Course ID : KAIN5M13
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
1. "Programmer en langage C", Claude Delannoy, Eyrolles.
2. "C: langage, bibliothèque, applications", Henri Garreta, InterEditions.
3. "Le langage C - Norme ANSI", B.Kernighan et D.Ritchie, Dunod.
4. "Managing projects with GNU Make", Robert Mecklenburg, O'Reilly.