Number of hours
- Lectures -
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 20.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 0.25
- To be able to identify in a practical way a first and second order system with a step response and an harmonic response
- Understand the methodology of closed-loop identification for unstable systems
- Know how to use Strejc and Broïda methods to identify and model a system
- Know how to measure the performance of a closed-loop system
- Be able to analyze the sources of modelling error when the theoretical results do not match the measurements
- Know how to theoretically dimension a proportional corrector to obtain the desired performance
- Analyze the stability and performance of a system in simulation using Matlab
- Know how to apply the Ziegler-Nichols method for adjusting a PID corrector
- Know how to observe the effects of actions proportional and integral on the performance of a system
Logical System
- Know how to program a grafcet in LADDER language on a PLC
TP1 - Corrector synthesis by pole placement (4h TP simulation using Matlab)
* be able to use Matlab (rltool, ltiview, simulink)
* know how to use Evans locus for adjusting the corrector by placing poles
TP2 - Speed and position control (8h of TP)
* Know how to identify the parameters of a 1st order system (linearity range, time constant and gain)
* Analyze the influence of a proportional corrector on the stability and performance of a looped system
* To know how to achieve a speed and position control of an MCC respecting the desired performances
TP3 - Inverted pendulum
* know how to use simulation tools to analyze the stability and performance of a system
* understand the process of identifying a closed-loop system when it is unstable in an open loop
* know how to identify the parameters of a second-order system on a step response
* be able to propose a corrector to stabilize an unstable system
TP4 - Temperature control
* Know how to identify the parameters of a first order system using the Strejc and Broïda methods
* Know how to model a delay and understand its physical meaning
* be able to propose a P,PI and PID corrector using the Ziegler Nichols method
TP5 - Programming a parking barrier on a TWIDO PLC
* be able to transcribe a grafcet in LADDER language
* know how to program a TWIDO PLC
To know control theory on linear systems
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - IESE - Semester 6
Course ID : KAIE6M16
Course language(s):
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